
2012 / 2013
UI Designer;
Lead on several features

A video management platform for publishers, rights owners, and marketers.

This was a very thorough application, offering a one-stop for media companies and content owners to manage their online videos across all publishing platforms.

Features included Libraries, Publishing tools, Analytics, News Feeds, Rights Management, Accounts Management, and even the possibility to create and publish video widgets.

Modular and white-label.

The platform was highly customisable, giving the clients the possibility to pick and combine their desired sections / features.

Pre-determined parts of the platform's Visual Design could also be customised directly by the client, to fit their brand, if desired. Alternatively, they could use Rightster's default look.

The users

Depending on the sections, the platform could be aimed at very different users (producers, sales people, legal teams, community managers, developers).

With a wide variety of features, we designed the platform with 10 personas in mind, each big feature having one (or a couple) more predominant personas. In any case, it was interesting to include such diversity in a single project.

Athena's personas

The clients

The clients ranged from the News sector, to Sports, Fashion, Entertainment, and Music, with large media companies being our main use case.

Some of the platform's clients

Big picture and fine details

We created each section with the bigger picture in mind, while defining the finest details and interactions, to make the experience as smooth, responsive, and intuitive as possible.