Cylindo Studio

Cylindo | Chaos Group
Lead Designer

Self-service, configurability, scale:
An intuitive tool to create lifestyle images.

Furniture brands and retailers have a strong need to produce lifestyle images.
But current photoshoot processes have several inefficiencies - from time and cost to lack of flexibility in the processes and results - that create a strong need for optimisation and scale.

Cylindo Studio is a brand new B2B product that allows a wide variety of users without 3D expertise to create photorealistic 3D lifestyle images of their products, in all configurations.

Process and collaboration

Working in a multidisciplinary team, I was the UX and UI Designer, working closely with a core team of developers and a PM.
I’ve also played a key role in defining roadmaps, releases, and milestones, and creating team processes.

This was a highly complex project, and every UX and technical decision had an impact on each other. We worked very closely together from the very initial sketch phases, all the way through to implementation, testing and reviews, adapting to new discoveries at every point.

We defined our blue sky vision, while simultaneously balancing what is feasible, in order to create and deliver the best possible solution - this coordination was crutial in determining the product's success.

Public release and reception

Cylindo Studio was publicly launched on November 2022, with great client reception. Below are some of the images created with it.

This case study is under construction, but you can read more on Cylindo’s website, or get in touch to know more.