
2017 / 2018
UX & Design Lead

A breath of fresh air in a well-established industry

Playzido wanted to create an innovative back office "for casino operators, by casino operators".

This platform would bring brand new features to the industry, but also aimed to drastically improve some key industry standards.

A lot of the existing platforms were clunky or confusing, and this was a great opportunity to rethink how they're made, improving clarity, minimising mistakes and frustration, and, ultimately, making it easier for people to work with, saving time and money.

The challenge / Pillars of usability

As with any big platform with complex data and features, the challenge was to turn the data into information, and the platform's possibilities into something actually useful.

From the outset, we established two pillars which guided every UX and Design decision:

  • Clarity.
  • Ease of use.

Improving the existing paradigms.

We always questioned how things were made.
Every little element was thought (or rethought) in the context of this platform and the people using it.

We tried hard to avoid just "whipping something up". But we also didn't innovate just because.
The platform wanted to feel fresh and exciting, but above all clear and easy to use.

Creating a visual language.

A strong brand had already been created for Playzido, however it'd been focused on marketing materials, and now it needed to meet very different goals.

From buttons, alerts, and icons, to widgets, tables, and forms with their many elements, a new visual language was developed to suit the platform's needs and complexity.

Developing the platform.

The platform came to life, section by section, and in close proximity to both the client, and the developers.

From the most basic Login screens, to the more complex and challenging Reporting sections, our design decisions proved solid (and flexible enough) in developing a coherent, interesting, and easy-to-use platform, which has had great feedback from Playzido's clients.