Create. Share. Play.

CREY Games
Project Lead:
User research, UX, UI

A gaming ecosystem

CREY Games allows users to create games without coding, and to collaborate, share, and play.

It has a diverse ecosystem of products, spanning across several devices. Including the Game Builder desktop app, the main web platform, and mobile apps.

Each of these products has core features, including: Libraries with all the elements of Search and Discovery; Marketplace; Social features (chat, sharing, commenting, friends); Avatar customisation...

The users

Some great work had already been carried out by the User Researcher, creating initial personas. This was a process we refined as we investigated different areas of the platform.

The users were largely Gen. Z and, broadly speaking, split into two main groups - builders and players.

State of the app

When I joined Crey, the company was expanding their product family into mobile apps, starting with Android. A first version of the app was well under way, but without a designer's input. This meant that a lot of things were technically possible to do with the app, but the UX was not ideal - in some areas it was problematic and confusing.

The first launch was also quickly approaching, and you can't make a first impression twice. Defining a solid action plan for release was key.

Main challenges and approach

More process and results

Leading a project of this complexity was an absolute blast.
But it's also complex to summarize it in a case study, so this section is in progress!
In the meantime, I'd love to discuss more over a chat.